13 Mysteries of Real Estate Photography that Few Only Know

13 Mysteries of Real Estate Photography that Few Only Know
Real Estate Photography

8 minutes of reading

Aug 5, 2018

Being a complete beginner in real estate photography is like a toddler attending his very first day in school. One of the requirements in this business is by using quality photos and this happens to be the big difference and great advantage. Many would say that they have read and heard about the tried and tested formulas in real estate photography but the real recommendation here is how to apply these formulas.

Quality photos really matter in real estate.It helps people jumpstart their imagination that becomes a trigger to their emotions especially when they are in search of another place to stay. Majority of those home seekers will look for photos first and read property specifications before deciding to have an ocular trip. This is where quality photos become so important.

Having the perfect equipment is the initial phase in this business. And everything boils down to four objects – the camera, lens, tripod, and flash. Every photographer does not need to spend much buying these things. Real estate photography is less demanding. Just use wide lenses, a camera with good ISO and sensitivity performance, a stable tripod and off-camera flash and wireless triggers.

Real Estate Photography Mysteries

There are so many mysteries with regard to real estate photography. Instead of hiring a professional photographer, you can do it on your own. This venture is not as challenging as rocket science. But the demand and money is there. It only takes effort to get where want to go. Spending time mastering photography skills is the only thing you need.

Instead of hiring a skilled professional, why not consider the thirteen (13) mysteries of real estate photography listed below?

1. Photo Editing from Day to Dusk Lighting

Related:  Top 7 Real Estate Photography Tips & Mistakes to Avoid

There are countless ways to edit photos from day to dusk lighting. Dusk is the time of the day when photographers find it hard to get a perfect image of the property.

2. Wide Angle Lens is a Good Investment

The use of wide angle lens is important to get the best description of the space. It allows wider shots and this is what potential buyers are usually looking for.

photo via AliExpress.com

3. Maximize the Use of Tripod

To get sharper image when shooting using natural light, the use of the tripod is all what you need. Most pictures taken with the use of tripod become appealing because it is better to use them rather than taking chances on steady hands. Tripods will let you shoot at slower shutter speeds.

shooting using natural light
Quote “Erin Spain, Home and DIY Blogger” http://ErinSpain.com

4. Use Landscape Mode

Although real estate photography is about choices and creativity, it is always better to decide all the necessities during a shoot – lenses to bring, angles to make, the depth using correct aperture and more. Since almost all real estates are taken as horizontal subjects, horizontal viewing is more preferred than the portrait mode.

5. Prepare 3D Presentation

Another great visual choice to present to potential buyers is 3D model. Most clients wanted to see a virtual tour of the property, not only on the property itself but they also wanted to look what surrounds the property. This should be a part of the many services that you offer them.

Related:  Basic Real Estate Photography Equipment for Aspiring Photographers

6. Making Persuasive Videos

Presenting traditional photos might be a brilliant way of presenting the rooms and other parts of the house. But with the advancement in technology, people wanted to include compelling videos as part of the service you offer.

7. Make Emphasis of the Property’s Best Features

One good trick for real estate photography is making emphasis of each location’s selling points. You can take pictures of the best features of every corner of a room, a kitchen and even the lawn, and show how spacious the place is.

8. Prepare the Room for a Shooting Schedule

This is one of the mysteries on hoe to sell properties quick. It is advisable to prepare all the rooms included for a photo shoot. It is always good to see clean areas as a preparation for your photo. Kitchen’s counter must be cleared of anything and free from dirt. Bathrooms, on the other hand, should have its toiletries hidden, being backed up by clean mirrors and any glass surfaces.

9. Proper Timing at Dusk

Timing is everything when it comes to real estate photography. It is either you, as photographer, create perfect timing, or anticipate it. When shooting the exteriors of a property, the so-called magic hour at dusk can yield dramatic results.

10. Straighten the Distorted

If you want to learn the real essence of real estate photography, do not end the photo at the shot. Most of the time, the human eye is very tricky. Make it sure that the real estate photos are well reviewed because there are architectural features, called the keystone effect, that occur unintentionally. Sometimes there are distorted lines that are being added to the photo, making tall lines appear bowed. All you need to do is consult Photoshop.

Related:  HDR Real Estate Photography tricks

11. Always Begin with the Preset Buttons

Starting with preset editing buttons will make your photos professionally made. This is the key in producing quality real estate photos. When Photoshop’s Lightroom is properly used, it is noted that your real estate photos are crafted designs and styles that will give you the professional edge.

12. Utilize the Capability of Modern Technology

Aside from editing pictures using Photoshop, increase you real estate photography a notch higher. Drones are used to show the proper aerial view of the property. Moreover, it aesthetically shows the correct perspective and range of space that traditional photos cannot take.Hence, with the use of modern technology like drones, it creates a positive impact to potential buyers.

13. Create Space by moving Furniture

As a preparation for a photo shoot, shooting the interiors of the property is not as easy as everyone thinks. Aside from using the natural light and shooting in a RAW mode, you can shoot directly straight into the room. You can capture the real beauty of the room when furniture is moved from one place to another to create the space you desire. After which, you can now manipulate the aperture and the depth of field.

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