Realtor’s Guide: Real Estate Photography Pricing

Realtor’s Guide: Real Estate Photography Pricing

Dec 12, 2017

In the world of real estate, competition can be tough. As a realtor, it is essential to make sure that you rise above your competitors and are able to sell your properties fast. Marketing the properties in a certain way would help you attract more potential buyers. More importantly, using superb photos to depict and sell the properties is a must. This is the key to keeping your business flourishing.

To do so, you need to hire professional photographers to make sure that the property is given justice and that you can get amazing photos for your listing.

How much does real estate photography cost?

One of the major considerations, when you are hiring a real estate photographer, is the price. This usually varies depending on the area and the experience of the photographer. Other things that would affect the pricing are your specifications for the shoot, including the frames and images that you want and the number of photos that you want.

Real estate photography pricing will vary on the city that you’re in. For the 50 largest cities in the US, the photography price range is from $95 up to $300. This pricing is usually based on typical 3,000 square-foot property or less. You should scout the price range within your area. Ask around to become familiar with how much you should be paying your photographer in your region.

Aside from that, photographers also charge differently. There are those that charge on a per image basis while others charge per day. The time of the shoot will also affect the pricing. Most photographers charge double for shoots that have to be done on dusk or twilight often ranging from $750 even up to $900.

Related:  7 Fail-Proof Tips To Make Your Real Estate Photos Noteworthy

Mid-rise office buildings are also charged higher and can go up to more than $2,000. Large mixed-use developments, on the other hand, are priced at more than $3,000 due to the number and quality of the spaces. This type of property might also require a day or two depending on how large it is. Retail properties can be priced around $1,300. This type of property doesn’t usually need interior shots as the location and amenities should be highlighted instead.

The inclusions and your needs

For the most commissioned real estate photo shoot, you can get around 10 to 25 ready images. However, you can always ask the photographer if he can do virtual tours or aerial drone photos if your property needs it. This will definitely affect how much the photographer will charge you.

Identify your needs and how you want the property to look like. You need to be specific with the number of photos that you need and the list of rooms that you want to be shot. Inform the photographer if you want a 3D tour, aerial shots, videos, and if you want the images to be rushed.Usage license is also another thing that you have to talk to your photographer with.

An extra aerial drone photography can be priced up to $300 or more for 10 photos. 3D tours on the other hand can go from $300 up to $500. An extra video tour will take you around $250. An aerial video tour will also be priced around $150 or higher.

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Make sure that you know the current rate in your area and that you’ve identified your needs for the property. Find a way to marry your needs with your budget while not sacrificing the quality of the output. Always prioritize the wow factory of your listing and making sure that your needs are met.

Choosing the real estate photographer

Don’t just go for the cheapest real estate photographer that you can find. Although it is important that you stick to your budget but you arguably will get what you pay for. You have to make sure that the photographer that you hire will deliver the quality of work that you want. There is a big difference in the quality of output that an amateur photographer and a professional photographer respectively produces.

Research. Before you jump right in, ensure that you do your research first. Look online for suitable photographers. You can also check other listings and find the photographer who took the photos. Ask around for recommendations from your friends and those who have recently hired a real estate photographer. Look for photographers within your area that have good reputation and are experts in the field. You can also look for real estate photographers from photography associations or artist directories in your area.

Experience. Look for experience. This is something that is important for any projects. Ask potential photographers for their portfolio and how long they have been shooting real estate projects. Make sure that the quality of work that they do matches the kind of quality that your business represents. Their output should not be amateurish. Some photographers also specialize in a certain sector, like condos or commercial development. This is something that you need to ask first before you hire a photographer.

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Work ethic and professionalism. Being an excellent photographer is only one thing. Another factor to consider when choosing the right photographer for your projects is to find one that can handle different types of working situation. Real estate photography can be challenging and there will be times when the shoot won’t go as planned. It is a must to have a photographer that can cope with any given situation. You need someone you can work well with and you are comfortable with throughout the shoot, as well.

Pricing. Aside from making sure that the rate is within your budget, you need to scout if the photographer’s price is within the pricing scale in your area. Ensure that the price is worth the quality of the output and how the photographer works.

After you’ve got everything checked, you are now ready to hire a photographer for a real estate photo shoot and maybe after you need to hire a real estate photo editor, we also have tips for it found in this other blog post.

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