6 Photography Tips to Best Sell Your Property

6 Photography Tips to Best Sell Your Property
Real Estate Photography

8 minutes of reading

Jun 30, 2022

For most buyers, nothing beats a live viewing to really appreciate a property for sale. However, it’s expertly shot photos that catch people’s attention and get them interested in the first place. This is why photography is a big part of real estate.

Indeed, the importance of great pictures in promoting a listing is also why some real estate recruiters keep track of agents with photography and design backgrounds. Check this out if you want to know how meticulous the recruitment process can be for real estate agents. It may reassure you to know that recruiters and brokerages do all they can to help you sell your home for the best price.


With all of the above considered, however, you still need to learn how to take good photos of your property for sale. After all, you may not always have the money to hire professionals to do it for you. You can sometimes rely on real estate agents to help you with this, but remember as well that they also handle many other matters.

Here are some tips to get you started on taking good photos of your property that will attract potential buyers:

Focus on the Best Selling Points

It can be tempting to take photos of every corner of your house to showcase it, but it would be better to focus on a few rooms. Ask yourself this question: what is or are the best selling points of your house? Perhaps it’s the big but cozy living room that’s perfect for family gatherings. Maybe it’s the ultra-modern kitchen that will excite budding chefs.

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By picking just a few things to focus on, you can create a more unified theme for your photos. You can even use these photos as a storytelling medium, which can boost the appeal of your property to your target market.

Open the Windows

Windows are a great selling point for many properties, particularly for homes with views. Another reason is that more windows mean more natural light, which is good for the body’s circadian rhythm and vitamin D production; it can even improve your mood!

When it comes to photography, natural light is your best friend. So throw open those windows and before taking your shots—you’ll be surprised at how much better they look! You can also get creative with the windows, such as using them to frame the outdoor scenery. Of course, make sure that the windows are clean before your photo session.

Take External Photos During the Golden Hours

Speaking of natural light, it’s a good idea to take photos of the exterior of the property during the so-called golden hours: before sunrise and right after sunset. The lighting that these times of day provide can provide a unique flair, highlighting features such as a well-tended garden or even a unique-looking front door. You may also want to include shots of the neighborhood, in case this is a big selling point of your property.


To get the best shots of your property, remove as much clutter as you can. A clean and organized space is much easier to photograph. You should also minimize the number of personal accessories, such as family photos or collectibles. This will depersonalize the space, so it’s easier for the buyer to imagine them filling it with their own furniture and decorations. Cleaning things up also gives you a better backdrop to showcase what you want to showcase.

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Take Corner Photos

The best way to present a space is showing its entirety. If you take multiple photos, potential buyers still have to imagine what these separate elements look like together. This can affect their perception. At the same, it can be difficult to capture an entire room in a single photo. Even panoramic shots using digital cameras or smartphones are tricky to get right.

To deal with this dilemma, try taking a photo from a corner. This will allow you to capture as much of the space as you can, as well as make the room look bigger. If the room has windows, open them or at least pull back the window treatments. The natural light will make things look brighter.

Choose the Best Ones

Strictly speaking, this isn’t a photography tip but it still needs to be said: don’t overload your listing with hundreds of photos. Yes, you should take as many photos as you can but this is so that you can choose the best ones to upload. Putting up too many pictures can also overwhelm the buyer and decide not to look further into your ad.

Consider the photos in your for-sale listing as a movie trailer, something that highlights the most exciting, most interesting parts of the entire film. Post just enough photos to create that initial curiosity, so buyers will want to see the property in person. If you want, you can ask your real estate agent for advice regarding the number of photos and which ones you should post.

Related:  Basic Exposure Settings for Real Estate Photograph


Good luck on selling your property! We hope that these photography tips can help you find the best buyer.

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